Autodesk Advanced Steel
Module 1: Introduction to Advance Steel
This exercise comprises of three parts and provides practical examples of working with the interface to open, view and save several models.
- Getting Started
- Exploring the User Interface
- Info Center
- Tool Palettes
- Viewing the Mode
Module 2: Starting a New Project
In this exercise, we will explore the topics covered earlier in more detail. We will first start a new project in a folder created with the same name as the model (.dwg) file using a template file containing default settings such as the current coordinate system, the orientation, object snap settings and layer assignment.
- Start a New Project
- Project Information
- Creating the Building Grid
- Levels
- Placing Construction Elements
- Automatic Steel Connections
Module 3: Project Documentation
In this exercise, we will explore the topics outlined in the previous section in greater detail. First, we will use the checking tools to check for hard clashes, tool clearances and errors such as bolt edge distances. We will then number the model and create general arrangement and shop drawings. Finally, we will create the bill of materials.
- Perform a Model Clash Check
- Number the Model Elements
- General Arrangement & Shop Drawings
- Create Bill Of Materials (BOMs)
- Instance and Type parameters
Module 4: Explaining Network Applications and Storage Services
This exercise looks at the creation of stairs and handrailing. After specifying the model views, we will first create a straight stair using two points, then define the handrailing. Next, we will insert a spiral staircase in the 3D model, then create a vertical caged ladder. Finally, we will create some different types of grating.
- Create Model Views
- Create a Straight Stairs Between Selected Points
- Create Handrailing Between Selected Points
- Insert a Spiral Staircase in the 3D Model
- Insert a Vertical Caged Ladder
- Create Rectangular Grating
Module 5: Create a Portal Frame Building
In this exercise, we will create a portal frame then apply the connections. We will copy the frame to create the bays, then add the bracing, purlins, sheeting rails and cladding panels.
- The Portal Frame
- The Frame Connections
- Vertical Bracing
- Roof Bracing
- Purlins and Sheeting Rails
- Cladding
Module 6: Trusses and Hip Roofs
In this exercise we will insert a truss in the 3D model using the Truss generator macro, then create the hip rafters and finally, insert and connect the cold rolled purlins.
- Roof Trusses
- Placing a Truss
- Define the Truss
- Hipped Roofs
- Purlins
Module 7: Mezzanine Floor, Stair and Handrails
In this exercise we introduce the Mezzanine Floor – Insert macro to create the cold rolled mezzanine floor steelwork.
- Mezzanine Floor
- Primary Members
- Place a Stair
- Secondary Steelwork
- Flooring
- Handrailing
Module 8: NC File Creation
In this exercise we will number the model prior to creating NC and DXF files for hot and cold rolled steelwork. We will then modify the Management Tools to change the output name to include the project number and also place the reference on a component as a hard stamp.
- Create NC-DSTV and DXF Files
- Generate Cold Rolled CNC
- CAM Data
- Management Information Systems (MIS)
- File Exchange Formats
Module 9: Custom Connections
In the exercise we will create a custom connection using objects from the Connection Vault, then apply the connection to another situation before modifying it. Next, we will define a connection using manually created objects such as bolts, plates, clip angles, welds etc.
- Create a User Connection
- Insert a User Connection
- Modify a User Connection
Module 10: Drawing Customisation
In this exercise we will create custom general arrangement, assembly, and single part drawing styles in our project. We will define the custom drawing prototype to be used and update the title block with a company logo, then use the Management Tools to modify the properties of the drawing’s elements.
- Drawing Styles
- The Drawing Style Manager
- Drawing Prototypes
- The Title Block
- Management Tools
Module 11: Interoperability
In this exercise we will import a series of SMLX files to Advance Steel which was created in Revit using the Advance Steel Extension for Revit add on. We will then apply connections, export the updated model, and synchronise it with the Revit model.
- Element Transfer between Advance Steel and Revit
- Structural Columns and Framings Transfer
- Steel Fabrication Element Transfer Structural Connection Transfer and Synchronisation
- Analysis Results Transfer from Revit to Advance Steel Level Import and Export
- Grid Transfer and Synchronisation
- The GTC Mapping Database